Your comment is clearly off the mark as well. Is that on purpose?
First off, your understanding of feminism mostly relies on myths and misinformation perpetuated by right-wingers. Simone de Beavouir was an extraordinary woman, and her fight for gender equality resulted in women having the right to control their own body, strive in the workforce, get a divorce, and be on an equal footing with men when it comes to inheritance laws. Would all of that be possible if those feminists "hated womanhood" as you so proudly claimed?
Secondly, secularism grew in spite of Christianity, not because of it. It came to exist because the Church was increasingly more scrutinised for its fear-mongering techniques, corruption, sexist misconceptions and purity culture. And no, it didn't only rose in Europe. But the Enlightment, that brought about a lot of secular philosophies, did.
Thirdly, feminism did largely originate in the West, that's true. But why would you link matriarchy with primitive conditions? There are still around 6/7 matriarchal communities existing today, one of them comprising around four milion residents. And they are far from being primitive.
Lastly, there is no denying that the Bible is full of misogynistic preachings that were later on used by the Church to subjugate women. Even if that didn't happen from the very start and the first few years, there is no written record of any women who were influential in Church's rise to power.